In order for a kitchen to be defined as well-equipped, there is a fundamental household appliance it must have: a dishwasher. It is a time- saving and, thanks to technological progress, money-saving appliance, given that they are all equipped with the main energy-saving instruments available on the market.

Cleaning the dishwasher

Dishwashers are prone to the formation of limescale both in its mechanical elements and in the cleaning of dishes which may look dull and opacified after contact by this undesired element. Moreover, the organic residues that often remain on dishes and cutlery before washing, can create unpleasant odors and undesired fat deposits. It goes without saying that the thorough cleaning of dishes depends, apart from the washing products used, on the maintenance of the dishwasher itself. With a few simple and specific measures, it is possible to maintain the efficacy of this appliance at consistently high levels.

Eliminating grease

To prevent our dishwasher from feeling greasy and oily the primary method is, as often happens, prevention: always place well rinsed crockery in the appliance, without traces of residual food which, over time, can create hydraulic problems such as clogging the pipes. If this action is not carried out regularly, it doesn’t matter as the problem of eliminating grease can be solved quite easily with a few small precautions: simply run a complete empty cycle with baking soda, it is an element that, due to its chemical characteristics, exercises an excellent degreasing action. Another way to solve the problem of grease inside the dishwasher is to place a half-squeezed lemon in the crockery tray.

Eliminating limescale

Household appliances that run on water inevitably encounter the problem of the formation and accumulation of limescale, that can be solved both with the use of commercial products and, in a more economical manner, with the use of products generally found in all homes. Run an empty wash cycle, at least once a month, using 2 tablespoons of citric acid to remove encrustations and eliminate any accumulation of limestone. Another method to solve the problem of limestone is to use white wine vinegar whose properties make the water less aggressive and therefore mitigate its effects on limestone formation.

Unpleasant odors in the dishwasher: never again

Unpleasant odors in the dishwasher is a problem closely related to organic residues that sometimes remain inside the appliance when the wash cycle has finished. As illustrated above, the solution to the problem of unpleasant odors is at your fingertips: use a squeezed lemon during the washing cycle or clean the dishwasher with a sponge soaked in white vinegar at the end of the same cycle to help prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. If unpleasant odors persist and you have good dexterity, you can carry out the manual cleaning of the drainage filter (always consult the user manual), the point where all the organic residues are collected.

Dishwasher maintenance: useful tips

Below are some measures you can put in place regularly to keep dishwasher efficiency high, regardless of the individual critical issues that may occur: